- 13 Dec 2023
Overview Türkiye is a unitary country with a presidential system in the Eurasian region. Its territory stretches from the Anatolian Peninsula in Northwest Asia to the Balkans in Southeastern Europe. Türkiye borders the Black Sea to the north; Bulgaria to the northwest; Greece and the Aegean Sea to the west; Georgia in the northeast; Armenia, […]
- 13 Dec 2023
Overview Tokyo is one of 47 prefectures in Japan and has been the capital of Japan since 1869. Until 2018, Greater Tokyo was ranked first in the world’s most populous metropolitan area. Tokyo was the seat of the Japanese Emperor, Japanese government, and Japanese Parliament. Tokyo includes parts of the Kanto region, the Izu Islands […]
- 13 Dec 2023
Overview Italy is a unitary parliamentary republic in Europe located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea. Italy borders France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, San Marino and the Vatican. Italy covers an area of 301,338 km² (116,347 mi²), and is influenced by a temperate and Mediterranean climate. Judging from its shape, the map of Italy is […]
- 11 Dec 2023
Overview India, with the official name of the Republic of India, is a federal country with a parliamentary system in the form of a constitutional republic in South Asia with a coastline of 7,000 km, and is part of the Indian subcontinent. This country borders Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Myanmar. Maldives, Sri […]
- 11 Dec 2023
Overview Hong Kong is a region located east of the mouth of the Pearl River (Zhu Jiang) on the southern coast of the People’s Republic of China or China. Many people know that Hong Kong is part of China, but quite a few also think that Hong Kong is a country. Because Hong Kong has […]
- 11 Dec 2023
Overview Dubai is the most populous city in the United Arab Emirates and is the capital of the Emirate of Dubai. Located along the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula and south of the Persian Gulf, Dubai Municipality is called Dubai City to distinguish it from the Emirate of Dubai. Dubai is one of the […]
- 10 Dec 2023
Overview The Philippines, officially known as the Republic of the Philippines, is an archipelago and unitary state with a presidential system in the form of a constitutional republic in Southeast Asia, north of Indonesia and northeast of Sabah. The Philippines is an archipelagic country located in the Western Pacific Rim, this country consists of 7,641 […]
- 10 Dec 2023
Overview Japan is a unitary country with a parliamentary system with a constitutional monarchy and is also an island country in East Asia. It is located at the western tip of the Pacific Ocean, east of the Sea of Japan, and next to China, South Korea and Russia. The northernmost islands are in the Sea […]
- 10 Dec 2023
Overview London is a leading global city that excels in the arts, business, education, entertainment, fashion, finance, health, media, professional services, research and development, tourism and transport. London, together with New York City, is the world’s leading financial center, and is the city with the fifth largest GDP in the world, or the highest in […]
- 10 Dec 2023
Overview The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or Great Britain, Great Britain), or commonly known as the United Kingdom, also known as the United Kingdom, is a sovereign country located off the northwestern coast of the European continent. The United Kingdom is an archipelago consisting of the island of Great Britain, the […]